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We have been recertified as a JICA-SDGs partner!

We have been certified as a "JICA-SDGs Partner" again by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The JICA-SDGs partner system, was established by JICA in July 2020 with the goal of further progressing the SDGs Implementation Guidelines and SDGs Action Plan determined by the Japanese government (SDGs Promotion Headquarters), and partners with companies and organizations working together with JICA to achieve the SDGs.

Collaboration details with JICA

Collaboration details with JICA

In Cambodia, roads are severely damaged after the rainy season, which has a significant impact on logistics, but there is no appropriate technology to deal with this.
In order to utilize our technology to prevent road collapse in Cambodia, we are collaborating with JICA under the "Small and Medium Enterprises and SDGs Business Support Project" scheme, and are conducting research and activities aimed at practical application in the country.
From August 2020 to December 2022, this partnership was approved for a survey to verify the effectiveness of our technology and products in the country, and now we are conducting further business feasibility studies and further practical application in the country. This partnership has been recognized once again for our activities towards this goal.

This initiative also contributes to the following goals of the SDGs, and we will continue to work closely with JICA to realize them.

SDGs Goal 9: Support sustainable infrastructure development by strengthening support for developing countries.
SDGs Goal 11: Provide access to sustainable transport systems by improving road safety.
SDGs Goal 12: Strengthen the capacity of developing countries for sustainable consumption and production.
Technical guidance on site
Test construction status before this investigation
Scene from the on-site briefing session

Tanaka's efforts towards SDGs

In addition to the above-mentioned projects, our company is engaged in activities that contribute to the realization of the SDGs goals in various fields, such as disaster prevention response in the field of river maintenance in Japan, and we are trying to expand the scope of our activities overseas. Please pay attention to our bright future and activities aimed at realizing a sustainable society!

What are SDGs?

To solve various problems facing society and create a bright future for the entire world by 2030, it consists of 17 goals and 169 targets
◇In 2015/9, this international goal was unanimously adopted by 193 member states at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The goal is for all countries, both developed and developing, to be involved in solving a wide range of issues such as climate change and inequality.
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